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Eddie - as long as we continue to use the word independence we are giving the nationalists a free ride. There is no completely independent country in the world. The life of every country is conditioned both by what happens inside the country and what other countries do and so influencing and working with them is just as important as those matters on which truly independent decisions can be taken.

"Independence" enables the SNP to disguise the true nature of what they want to do. They want to embroil Scotland in incredibly complicated Brexit style negotiations to rejig the legal basis of our essential relationship with the UK. That is clearly not just a matter for Scotland alone.

Therefore Nicola's referendum is not the exercise in democracy she claims. It is wrongly worded and the absence of a confirmatory vote means a commitment can be extracted from voters on the basis of promises which can be jettisoned after the referendum. "Indyref" is not the joyous popular event portrayed. Just like Brexit it is manipulative and deceitful.

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